There are seven little words that can completely change the mood of a camp crowd: “This is a repeat-after-me song!” And just like that, a fun-filled song is being sung, chanted, or even screamed by every voice in the room. While at camp, you will hear camp songs ringing out loud and proud at nearly every meal time, campfire, and everywhere in between. Camp songs bring out campers’ spirit, confidence, and bring cabins and teams together. The songs are a tradition that have been passed down from generation to generation of campers and can bring past and current campers together as members of the same camp family. Here are five classic songs that can be heard every summer at The Creek!
Creekers in the Front
No other song represents the start of a session more than this classic. Sung at every opening campfire since we first opened, `Creekers in the Front’ is the classic camp song. We divide the campers between the “Creekers in the Front” and the “Creekers in the Back” with each type of Creeker responsible for holding it down for their section! Throw in different versions like slo-mo, zombie, or motivational speaker – this one gets campfire started right!
You Can’t Ride In My Little Red Wagon
While it is unclear what exactly happened to the broken red wagon, one thing is clear- “You Can’t Ride In My Little Red Wagon” is a true camp hit. With its growing number of decibels at which the song is sung at (whispers that progresses to a full on scream), this song is a sure way to get the whole crowd on their feet and singing along!
Go Bananas
If ‘Creekers in the Front’ represents the start of a session, ‘Bananas’ represents the end of an amazing day at camp. We close every campfire with this fun song aimed at shaking out that list bit of energy before heading back to the cabins. First we FORM, then we PEEL, and then…we GO BANANAS!
Baby Shark
It’s the song that took the internet by storm in 2018, but “Baby Shark” has actually been on the camp scene for decades. Baby Shark’s simple, yet satisfyingly repetitive lyrics make it a big hit among younger campers. Watch out though! You might not be able to get the song out of your head. After hearing it a a few times, you are guaranteed to be humming “Doo doo doo doo doo doo” for all of eternity.
Moose Alpaca
Not all campfire songs make much sense, and this one might be the king of nonsense! First taught as a ‘repeat after me’ song, Moose Alpaca is then sung in a crazy, frantic unison of mooses, alpacas, and unicorns once everyone gets the lyrics down. Throw in some mustaches, ninjas, puffer fish, and end it all with a nice ‘namaste’ and you have yourself one of our all time favorite camp songs! After reading the description you might be even more confused and that’s okay! Get yourself to a Canyon Creek campfire and it will all make sense…hopefully! 🙂