Kids Need to Experience Camp

February 10, 2020

Whether one week or two—or longer, kids need to experience camp.

The positive aspects of summer camp are numerous and invaluable. Kids learn independence, problem-solving skills, resiliency, and social adaptability. Even with all the lessons kids learn, one of the best parts about camp is the fun they experience.

Most kids are so excited about camp, they count the days. Literally. Especially for those who have experienced it. The kids who attend camp at Canyon Creek enjoy it so much, they come back year after year.

But what about the kids who aren’t excited about it? The ones who worry about separation anxiety or making new friends?

Or what if it’s the parents who are anxious? Maybe they fear their child will experience homesickness or get sick or injured.

Instead of missing out on an amazing camp experience, get creative in finding ways to overcome anxieties and worries. Once they come home from camp, they will thank you. And you will appreciate how much stronger, more mature, and confident your child has become.

Canyon Creek has the children covered.

The money you pay for camp is for more than food and crafts. Of course, the kids get lots of great food and have plenty of craft opportunities, but camp is so much more. Canyon Creek employs a host of counselors and professionals who are committed to the children. They are well-skilled at fostering a fun, safe, and nurturing environment.

You can rest assured we put in the due diligence it takes to staff our camp with the best people possible. Of course, all our staff have passed a background check, but that is only a small part of our recruitment. We go the extra mile—in fact, many extra miles—to ensure we can handle whatever each child needs while away from home. 

Remember Your Away-From-Home Experiences

What did you gain from sleepovers as a child? Think back to overnight fun with friends. Playing games, socializing, having fun. Especially if it was a group sleepover. What are your fondest memories of being away from home? How did it feel to spread your wings outside of your parents’ guidance?

Did you experience camp? Maybe you went to Church camp, Summer Camp, Day Camp, Sixth-Grade camp, or Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Camp. Possibly you experienced more than one. What did you enjoy the most? Did you make friends? Learn lessons? Enjoy special activities? Play on a team sport? 

Maybe you have been camping. Even if you went with your parents, you experienced sleeping away from home. Nature all around you, a sleeping bag, and maybe an awkward bathroom situation. Did you roast marshmallows and hot dogs over a campfire? Possibly sang songs and told stories?

If you had any negative experiences away from home, how did you handle it? Did going through this and figuring out a solution help you learn and grow? 

Hopefully, all these memories help you understand the importance of allowing your child(ren) to experience some of the same things you enjoyed.  

Share Your Memories With Your Child

Tell stories of your away-from-home experiences. Make them interesting and exciting. But don’t draw the stories out or embellish. Keep your stories truthful, short, and sweet.

Share about the fun things you did and the friends you made. Discuss the negative experiences with a positive ending. Talk about how much fun it was to hang out around the campfire while singing songs and acting silly.

Look for ways to help your child learn from the lessons you learned. Maybe you learned not to swim in a chlorinated pool without goggles? Or the importance of having your flashlight handy at all times. Maybe the best lesson you learned was to step outside of your comfort zone and make a new friend.

Help your child see the benefits of being able to make their own decisions and become more independent.

Keep Positive About Camp

While you don’t need to ignore possible challenges and difficulties, worrying about things you can’t change doesn’t help. If you dwell on your concerns, it only makes you feel more helpless. Get the facts. Don’t expect the unexpected but find out the process if something does happen. It may be scary to send your child away without a cell phone, but there are phones at the camp. Keep emergency numbers handy. And realize we have your number as well.

If you are anxious, do not let your child know. Children mimic their parents, and if they know you are anxious, they will become anxious. Avoid reassuring your child by saying things like, “Everything will be fine. There is no need to worry.” Statements like this only make your child think there is something to worry about.

Do not set your child up for failure by providing a way out. Setting up a plan for picking up your child if they want to come home early takes away their chance to be independent. It lets them believe they will want to come home early. Instead, encourage them to talk to their counselor if homesick or having a rough time.

Focus on the positives. Let them know how much you look forward to their letters and seeing pictures. Tell them you can’t wait to hear all the stories when they get home.  

Now That You Are Ready

Sending your child to camp can be one of the hardest yet most rewarding things a parent can do. The most important decision isn’t whether or not to send them. The most important decision is which camp.

You can trust the experience of Canyon Creek. We have been doing summer camp for two decades. We have helped thousands of families enjoy a nurturing, positive environment.

Contact us online or call us at (661) 724-9184 today to discuss your child’s next camp experience.